Bedbug Treatment
We have proven, effective and affordable solutions to rid your home of bedbugs.
Insecticide Treatments
Insecticide treatments are the most common method used for bedbug control. A protocol of three separate treatments spaced out over 60 days is usually necessary to break the life cycle of the bedbug.
Ameritech uses a custom insecticide mixture designed specifically to control bedbugs and applies it using ULV spray equipment to get the materials deep into the cracks and crevices of furniture, mattresses, box springs, wall voids and under flooring where bedbugs hide, breed and lay eggs.
The primary benefits of insecticide treatments:
- Lower costs versus heat remediation.
- The long term residual effect of the insecticides that are applied.
- However, there are some major drawbacks to using chemical treatments.
- Many bedbugs are becoming resistant to insecticides.
Insecticides must be placed in the same areas that people live and sleep. - It is a long term process.
- There is a VERY detailed and exhaustive preparation process that must be repeated several times. Literally ALL fabrics must be hot washed and dried, furniture emptied, etc.
- No guarantee of complete success.
Heat Remediation
Heat Remediation effectively kills bedbugs at all stages of their life cycle and only one treatment is usually required. A trained Ameritech technician will utilize special equipment to raise the temperature inside the structure to over 135 degrees and maintain that temperature for several hours. Then powerful fans are strategically placed to circulate the heat into all areas,
while multiple electronic temperature sensors monitor the environment to ensure consistent bedbug-killing heat saturation.
The primary benefits of heat treatments:
- All bedbugs and eggs are dead in ONE treatment.
- No Insecticides or chemicals are required.
- Much less preparation.
- This eliminates the problem in ONE treatment and does come with a guarantee.
- Only Drawback: Cost is usually about twice the total cost of a insecticide treatment.
Green, Eco-Friendly Options
In addition to our standard treatments we offer options that are very “Green” and pet/people friendly.